How far would you go to find your missing dog?

Anonymous 1

So a dog in our area went missing on New Years Eve. They said they let the dog out at midnight to pee and he got scared from fireworks and ran away. Since then they have blasted FB, the news, radio etc in the hopes to find him. His name is Meep (Boston Terrier) and his story is easily found by googling and on FB search if you are interested. Anyway, they are offering a $6,000 reward. They said they hired a K9 search dog team, drones, and a dog hunter. They believe someone picked him up that night and has him at their home. They now have a go fund me that raised an additional $4000 now for what I don't know. So, I guess the question is how much reward would you offer? Would you spend thousands on a search team?
Deleted User 1511

I don't know an exact number as I've never had a missing dog but I spent $7000 on transportation costs for my dog when we moved so thousands to find him if missing doesn't seem unreasonable.
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Whatever I am able to do, I would do it. We believe that when we decide to get a pet, especially an animal with higher intelligence and that forms a social bond with its caretakers, that we have a responsibility for that animal. We have local cases of dogs going missing and being successfully returned months later. Making as many people aware as possible is important for finding the dog, who either might have been rehomed to someone with good intentions or might be scared and hiding, which is why hiring a tracker can be important. If someone took the dog, because it’s a purebred dog they may try to sell it, which is why the reward needs to be high so it out values the potential sale cost of the dog. The $4000 likely is going toward the cost of the tracker and the publicity.
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I don't know. Hard to say. The one time we had a dog go missing she had been picked up by animal control so all it took was a call to them and all I had to pay was their fee when I picked her up.

Our current dog is chipped, and I know that doesn't prevent someone from just keeping her if she ever got loose, but if most people are good people and take her to a shelter or a vet then she will be reunited with us. So I think our risk is low.
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We'd so the same as the people you posted about.
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If I could afford it I'd do the same.
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I don't have thousands to spend and I hate asking for money. I have had dogs go missing and fortunately, they were found at the pound. I paid the fee to get him back. I would put up fliers and search for them but if I couldn't find the pet I would accept it was my fault and live with the guilt. I'm not saying the pet owners were guilty for crap happens. But I did have a cat disappear. I had adopted him and tried to keep him indoors. He seemed to hate it and escaped whenever he could. He even escaped from a harness and leash I had for him. Finally, he disappeared altogether. I heard a rumor I never was able to substantiate that he was stolen. I might have offered a small reward, all I could afford at the time, but never got him back. I feel bad about it but I personally wouldn't pay thousands.
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Our pup is aging now but he is part of the family…still with that said he is a dog. I would call local vets, put up flyers, and note Facebook that he is chipped. I wouldn’t spend thousands of dollars for rewards…that to me is craziness.
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Had a dog that wandered into our living room through our open back door. He jumped on the couch and went to sleep. We called the number on his collar and they had moved across country. He had been missing for a week. They searched all over for him. We ended up keeping him, only for him to go missing about a week before we moved states. We looked everywhere, put up fliers and drove everywhere. This was MySpace days so social media wasn’t helpful. Someone found him after we moved. They kept him and sent us occasional pictures. Then he did the same thing to them. Weird dog.

If you or your spouse is a Vet, check out this link. They offer really cheap tickets to local events and concerts. I have done a lot of cool stuff through them.
Anonymous 2

Beats me. I don't like dogs. But it's a pet. I wouldn't be too extreme about it. A search. Posters. Follow up on leads. I wouldn't spend thousands.
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