Dd got pink eye from day 9 of school! Pissed off!!!!!! Wwyd?

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School started last Thursday. My DD woke up yesterday with her eyelid swallen sp? And red spots around her eye. Of course I called my dh and said said DD needed to go to urgent care NOW! My dh took his sweet time getting home and insisted we go to this new urgent care in town.

So we went there and the freaking nurse looking driver and sighed and said the only thing I can think of what she has is shingles!!!!!!! I looked at the nurse and she has had the chicken pox vaccine and never had the chicken pox so how is that possible?

The nurse said huh? And came up with the excuse that it is pink eye and the eye lid is swallen sp? from her rubbing it in her sleep and the spot are bug bites. The nurse said she won't be contagious after taking the eye drops for 24 hours.

I am not sure what to do about tomorrow. Her eyelid is still swallen sp? Do I take her to her doctor since the stupid nurse tried to diagnose her with shingles even though she has never had chicken pox and has the vaccine and doesn't even show any symptoms of freaking shingles!? Do I send her to school since she isn't contagious anymore even with her eye swallen sp? if I send her to school do inform the teacher that pink eye is being spread around the classroom and she needs to bust out the clorex early since patient zero is still contagious ( not my kid. The kid that infected mine.) I still have to put drops in her eyes 4 times a day.

What I am really pissed about is someone sent their kid to school with pink eye to infect all the other kids because they are too freaking selfish to care about anyone but themselves. This happened last year with the flu. One kid got the flu and his parents send the kid back to school every day still sick just for the kid to throw up and get sent back home. That is how my DD and 3/4th of my DD class got the flu. FYI the got their flu shot in November and got the flu in February. My DD was out of school for a week with the flu and missed parents day because of those selfish self centered so called parents. I am tempted to talk to the school about cracking down on parents sending sick kids to school!

I really don't know about tomorrow. Wwyd?
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Princess Royal
Princess Royal
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Pink eye is very easily treated, yet very contagious.
*I* got pink eye after doing makeup for a drama production on a ton of teens a few years ago. Nobody had pink eye, it was just a freak thing. I woke up with a swollen eye, got drops and was fine in a few days.
In all honesty, I would do the drops and then send her to school. That is it.
"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." Philippians 4:13
Anonymous 2

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I would and have given my kids the drops. I would decide if they go to school based on how the eye felt, because pink eye can be very uncomfortable for a child. I would wash my hands, sheets, towels, anything that could have touched the kids face, and get on with my life. I see no reason to go hunt down patient 0. I think your reaction is a bit extreme.
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I’d make her a doctor’s appointment and take her in since she wasn’t really diagnosed. I’d also chill on assuming some kid gave her pink eye. She hasn’t been diagnosed and you don’t even know if it’s bacterial, viral, or allergy induced. So that’s a total waste of energy to be pissed off over. For future reference since it gave you some trouble, it’s swollen, the spelling that is.
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Princess Royal
Princess Royal
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You're kid is going to get sick at school. Get used to it.
Anonymous 1

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jas wrote: Sun Aug 25, 2019 4:03 pm You're kid is going to get sick at school. Get used to it.
I realize that but if your kid is sick KEEP THEM HOME! Don't send them to school to infect others. We don't need a epidemic! Schools close down over things like this!
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Queen Mother
Queen Mother
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Ok you are really overreacting here. Pink eye is a common illness in elementary schools. Sorry.
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Take her to see an ophthalmologist.

This past June my dd came home with a puffy, red and leaky eye and it was disgusting. We rinsed it out with eye wash but I later decided to take her in to urgent care as it was progressively getting worse. The doctor diagnosed her with having a stye as well as pink eye. 😲 I was skeptical about a stye as I saw no evidence of one. But he prescribed a prescription and we left.

The following day I called her primary care office and they referred her to an ophthalmologist for that day. She was seen and the doctor discovers that it isn't pink eye at all. There's no infection. He determines that she had some sort of allergic reaction from something unknown, prescribed something completely different and her eye cleared up right away. Ugh. I was so disgusted with that doctor at urgent care but I was so glad to learn that she didn't have pink eye after all.
Anonymous 3

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I get that it’s annoying, but it’s not that big of a deal.
Deleted User 1393

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You sound angry at everyone.
Kids get sick at school.
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