Are you afraid to tell a doctor or other medical personnel no to something?


Ive never felt pressured into anything (33 and7 babies)
Princess Royal
Princess Royal
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Perception isn't always the reality.

Did you feel judged because you were promiscuous?
Princess Royal
Princess Royal
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I was back when ds was born. I learned the hard way to stand up for myself and my children when it comes to medical care. I was arguing with the doctor when Dd was born because I refused to do what he wanted.

I have no problem telling anyone no.

It is requirement where i get my pills from. If i don't get an anual pap they wont prescribe my pills
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Nope. I tell them no and I don’t let them bully me into it. Dd got a cut they said she needed stitches or glue. I said okay, glue it. Well we’d prefer to do stitches. No, glue it.

Every year I say no to the flu shot for all 3 of my kids. Our old doctor would try to lecture me on it. I found a new one who says “okay” and drops it.

When I gave birth to my third the nurse kept trying to push pain pills on me. I told her no repeatedly. When she said “Don’t be a hero.” I got a little mean. Get the f out of here, if I need them, I’ll call you.
Deleted User 670

I've fired more than my share of doctors. So no. I'm very comfortable standing up for myself and confronting a doctor when I think he/she is full of shit.
Deleted User 670

Pjmm wrote: Fri Sep 07, 2018 6:54 pm
Guest wrote: Fri Sep 07, 2018 6:49 pm
Pjmm wrote: Fri Sep 07, 2018 6:46 pm Back in the day Planned Parenthood required I get a pap before they prescribed the Pill. I assumed it was their policy and didn't care. But we're talking 30 plus years ago. Now maybe doctors prescribe bc more freely. But yes I do say no to things.
From what I understand, it was pretty much standard practice to do it that way, just not anymore and I think a lot of people don't know that. They just assume it's what's required and when a doctor or receptionist starts asking if this date is okay for their pap to be scheduled, they go along because they think there's no choice at all.
I don't need bc anymore but tbh if the doctor wanted me to have a pap what do I care? Same with a mammogram or the annual physical. I'm at an age where these things are necessary i think. I know people who died young of heart disease i don't want to be one. Now a colonoscopy? No. I don't have time to do that frigging prep. When I'm retired then I'll spend a weekend in the bathroom drinking laxatives thanks. But just like you can say no the doctor can say sorry this is our policy.
My doctor asked me if I'd ever had a colonoscopy and I told her no and I had no intentions of ever getting one either. She looked at me a little weird but didn't push it. I have zero gut issues and zero family history of colon cancer so I don't see the point of going through such an arduous and invasive procedure.
Deleted User 670

When my daughter was a baby, I argued with the pedi in the practice over the polio shot vs the oral version he was pushing. He tried to tell me that if my daughter got the shot she'd shed the virus to others. The dumbass with the medical degree got it backwards. It's the oral live polio vaccine that sheds. I left the practice shortly after that. She got the shot, btw. And I made sure I never saw that idiot again while she was still a patient at that practice.
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I've never felt bullied or pressured by my doctor or nurse. But I also don't resist things that seem logical. If he wanted to do a PAP before giving me my Mirena then why not. It's not like he was trying to give me a colonoscopy.
I've refused shots such as the flu shot and the doctor was fine with it.
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