How were you as a

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My daughter went everywhere with me. I never had a sitter. I tried to keep to the same schedule for meals and sleep because she did better with a routine. She was rarely sick as a baby and toddler and when she was we stayed home because she just didn't feel good.
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I was very laid back when it came to naps. I let her sleep when she wanted. DD actually stopped taking naps every day by about 14 months.

Bedtime was strict, though. Her bedtime was 7 pm as a toddler and we made sure if we were out to be back by then.

My DD (13) never even had a cold until she was 4. She was a very healthy child and still is. She's never been on any medication and has only been to a doctor for well visits.
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I never had a schedule. If they were hungry I fed them if they were tired they slept. They are 12 and 14 and pretty much still the same.
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At that point in time my late husband was diagnosed with, undergoing treatment for, and then passed away from a brain tumour. I don't actually remember many parenting specific things from that period, I guess we just did whatever we could do around what was going on.
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I let both of mine make their own schedules. Nothing was done around schedules. I didn't take them out if they were sick though knock on wood neither have ever had a cold. Just the asthma acting up with my oldest and a stomach bug a few times with him.
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Monkey's Mama
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No, I didn't enforce a specific nap time when he was a newborn. He just slept whenever he wanted to. Now that he's almost 3, I'm a bit more inclined to try to get him down for a nap around 12 or 1pm. Sometimes it happens, sometimes it doesn't. If he was sick, I didn't take him anywhere. I kept him home because I didn't want him getting anyone else sick, or him getting sicker. Other than that, I took him everywhere with me. And still do.

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With my first, I was pretty strict with nap times except for special events, but I did take her out often, and she was enrolled in music class and did play dates; we just scheduled around naps.

With my second, I was much more laid back about it after I realized he was just an awful sleeper anyway, and that made it easier to work with his older sister’s schedule.
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