3rd Quarter Conferences - DONE!

Princess Royal
Princess Royal
Posts: 8407
Joined: Thu May 24, 2018 7:49 pm

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My conference days are over! Lol.

I never liked the student led ones. Or, I should say, I never liked the student led ones where the teacher didn't allow some private time following the student led part to have a discussion just between us. I got my student's perspective on how she was doing at school at home most of the time.

The worst were the ones where all the teachers sat at tables in the cafeteria and parents milled around the tables picking out the teachers they wanted to talk to. Too chaotic, no privacy, and I liked having conferences in the classroom my child spent her time in. Gave more context.

When I taught middle school, we had conferences for a student with all his or her core teachers together with the parent. That way a parent couldn't try to tell a teacher their kid only had a problem with them. They got a much clearer overall picture of how their kid was doing in school, and we teachers also got some insight on how a child functioned in his classes throughout the day. Solutions could be created with the complete picture in mind and coordinated with all of us if need be. I liked that conference format but I don't know what the parents thought of it.

Sounds like you hit everything just right to be done in a little over an hour!
Posts: 11475
Joined: Thu May 24, 2018 5:53 pm

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We sign up for a time slot and go meet the teacher in the classroom. Kids are not allowed at them. They are spread over multiple nights so if you have kids in multiple grades you can get to all of them. My husband went to our six year old daughter's while I went to our eight year old son's. They went well.
To be honest, we didn't go to one for our nine year old, we had a prior commitment during the only available time slots left, so I talked to his teachers and asked if there was anything they needed to speak with me about, they said no, so since he does well in school and hasn't had problems socially or behaviorally this year, we prioritized the prior commitment.
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