Pull out method...is she lying?

Anonymous 1

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I know this makes me sound stupid but if a guy uses the pull out method around the times that the woman is not fertile shouldn't her chances of becoming pregnant be super low? My brother's girlfriend is claiming that she is pregnant even though she says that the pull-out method failed. She went on to say that they even did this around her not so fertile days. Is she cheating on my brother? I don't know what to believe when it comes to this crazy woman. All I know is my brother is getting roped into this situation.
Anonymous 2

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Well, obviously her chances would be lower than someone who uses no method, but the pull out method nor the rhythm method is especially effective. I think each is something like 80% effective... and that's when used correctly.

ETA: Having S*x with someone (especially unprotected S*x) and then winding up with a pregnancy isn't getting "roped into" anything. S*x makes babies. We all know that.
Anonymous 3

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Sometimes your body ovulates early/late and you can get pregnant. Also even with the pull out method sperm is still present and can live in her body for a few days.
Anonymous 4

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The pull out method isn't birth control.
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Joined: Wed Oct 17, 2018 9:05 am

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Its very possible. Plus your brother didn't get roped into anything. He chose this by F***ing this girl without protection
Anonymous 5

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You'd be surprised at how many women don't have a clue about when they're actually fertile. Many don't realize that you can actually ovulate near your period (it's not common but it does happen). Others use a standard one-size-fits-all ovulation calendar and don't realize that not everyone is "standard" or that your cycle can vary from one month to the next. Was she teming? Checking her cervical mucus?

My vote is that she's clueless. That's based on the fact that she considers pulling out to be a method of contraception.
Anonymous 6

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Why are you so involved in your brothers S*x life? He's not getting ropped into anything. He chose to sleep with her and was a moron not using birth control so now he gets to deal with the consequences.
Anonymous 7

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Yeah, it does make you sound stupid.
Anonymous 8

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Super weird to troll about when your brother has S*x.
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Joined: Thu May 24, 2018 5:53 pm

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No, the "pull out method" is the least effective way of preventing a pregnancy. He isn't getting roped into anything, he should have used birth control if he didn't want to get her pregnant.
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