I know it's my fault for being a "hoe" - but how do I solve this problem?

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Anonymous 1 wrote: Sun Nov 10, 2019 7:21 am About 6 months ago - I hit a low point, was having depressive episodes, a lot of anxiety/panic attacks and my long term boyfriend had walked out on me. A (engaged) coworker started showing interest in me, and I shut it down strictly at first, until he told me that was how he joked with everyone and his fiance confirmed it. Of course - the flirting became sexual; maybe a day after I left for another department and I went with it. I just did not give a shit anymore and just wanted to feel something. No excuse - I know. BUT; we never physically touched each other. Of course - his fiance (Bree) found out, chewed him out, called me a hoe, and told him to never do it again or she was leaving. She also told him that he could stay friends with me on Facebook only IF she could read the conversations whenever she wanted. It happened once more after that - he deleted all the messages and then that was it. I sinked further enough to isolate myself from everyone - so didn't reach out to him again.

Recently at work, I've been asked to go work with Bree (same company different branch). She was super lovely until she suggested that we add each other on facebook and searched my name - finding that I was friends with her fiance. Realisation hit her and she said "Oh. It's you". and then has proceeded to ignore me and death stare me the rest of the week. My bosses call me in at the end of the week and ask me how I feel about the branch. I leave out the awkwardness and state that it's a lovely branch and I enjoyed my time there. My bosses offer me a transfer there effective immediately, and I'd literally be working next to Bree all day every day.

Here's the thing. I NEED this transfer. I'd only be working 7 minutes away from home compared to an hour and a half travel right now. It's a raise, and I also save a lot of money on gas, and the commute save means I can actually use that time to begin to help myself - i.e. start counselling (current job has me leaving at 7am and not getting home until after 7pm with traffic). But - Bree has messaged me and told me that if I take this job - she will ensure I quit ASAP; or ensure the entire office (close knit only 12 people) know how much of a hoe I am and nobody will talk to me. So - I need some advice - what should I do?
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