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Trump Cries About Impeachment ‘Lynching’ as His GOP Embraces a Twisted Sense of Victimization

Posted: Wed Oct 23, 2019 3:45 pm
by AnonXxdarkfoxx1
The vile tweet came just after two other Republicans had served helpings of the same rancid red meat that you could market as Trump Steaks.


The words of the lawyer for the MAGA bomber Cesar Sayoc who sent bombs to media outlets and Democrats who had been critical of Trump, have stuck in my head since I read them in July, and they seem fitting to what we are seeing with today’s GOP. After detailing the long standing challenges of Sayoc’s grim life, his defense counsel wrote, "In this darkness, Mr. Sayoc found light in Donald J. Trump."

It appears that the GOP has found its light in Trump. Alarmingly, that light is one marked by bigotry, baseless conspiracies, and victimhood—a truly dangerous combination for our nation.