Here's my story sorry its long Any Advice?

Anonymous 8

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Girl straighten your crown and move on. He left you moved another woman in and now you want to play house with him? For your kids sake move on. You are fantasizing about the man you want him to be. He is an asshole.
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Someone who is a narcissist and has a long history of lying and cheating will NEVER change. EVER.

It's a waste of time for you to think its possible.
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Well first off, Im going to say that you know more than any of us what is right. All any of us can do is give you loose advice based on the descriptions that you've provided for us. In that case... What it sounds like to me is a manipulator hopping from one easily manipulated person to the next. You were not working out so he moved her in, it was better for him that way because he got to keep his dessert. Now that either he couldnt keep her, or she became stale, he wants to go back to something he knows will stay the same and someone who is safe, you. The question is, are you the same?
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