This why I don't buy antiques or any items with "a history."

Anonymous 1

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I don't buy or antiques or any item with "a history." because some items can send off a wierd or uncomfortable vibe or could carry some baggage of its own.

Has anyone else got a wierd or uncomfortable vibe from a item before?
Deleted User 172

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No, but I'm not very attuned to stuff like that.
This makes me think of Annabelle though.
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I know a lot of people who say this. I do believe everything has energy. I have never had any negative experiences.
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Queen Mother
Queen Mother
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No I really don't believe in all that stuff.
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No. I think that's ridiculous nonsense.
Anonymous 2

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I like things with a feeling of the past. I've never felt creeped out by it though.

I work for a shipyard and was on the aircraft carrier Enterprise. That ship had more sense of history than anything I've ever experienced. You could feel where that ship had been and the generations of people that had seen the things she's seen. But even that was more of an eery feeling and not creepy.
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I dont do old mirrors
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Old China dolls creep dh out. I have a few from my great-grandmother that I don't display where he can see them because of it. I also have some jewelry from different family members that I love wearing. It makes me feel like they're a part if the event I'm wearing the jewelry to.
Deleted User 670

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No, I've never bought a 'haunted' antique. There are ways to clear and cleanse such items, though. Word of warning, if you ever find a board game walled up in a building or buried in the ground, leave it alone!!! Especially if it has the words Jumanji on it!! lol!
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