What made you run for the hills

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Met a guy online and told him my first name. Next thing I know he's friending me on Facebook even though we never discussed talking off the site.

Then he somehow figured out where I worked. I still have no idea how. He said he was going to come visit me. I told my coworkers about him and to my knowledge he never showed up.

Another guy I went out with once but wasn't feeling it and told him so. He kept calling me but I didn't answer. Then showed up at my apartment building! He wanted to know the code to get in. I called my landlord and idk what my LL did but I never heard from the guy again. I still sometimes wonder if dude is buried somewhere lol.
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It was in high school, but this behavior is still gross.

The dude who constantly pleaded for a date, had his friends ask why I wouldn't date him, acted like he was owed a date because he wanted one, then act like he did me favor when I agreed to go out in a group setting. Couldn't seem to figure out why I wanted nothing to do with him after the "awesome date" he took me on. Apparently me being shoved into the seat next to him constituted a date in his eyes.

He blew a gasket when I started dating my last boyfriend before DH. Called me all kinds of names. I broke it down, and not nicely, what a pathetic loser he was and his shitty attitude was why girls didn't like him. Maybe he could try being a decent person instead of a demanding whining entitled tool, who thought he was entitled to a girlfriend just cause.

He recently posted on our HS reunion page answering some questions and responded to married/single with still single, girls don't ever want a nice guy.

Here's a spoiler alert, any guy who is a self-proclaimed "nice guy" usually isn't.
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Nothing 20 years later I'm still with him lol.
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