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Re: Israel bars entry to outspoken U.S. Congresswomen Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib, deputy foreign minister says

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2019 11:52 am
by Deleted User 1074
Israel was already discussing banning them to the press before trump expressed his opinion 🙄

all of you apologists, blame Trump but can't even consider that maybe just maybe these women are responsible for their own actions.

Israel has said ANY PERSON who publicly supports BDS is banned, thats their law. they are treating these two the way they treat everyone else. why are omar/talib above the law?

Re: Israel bars entry to outspoken U.S. Congresswomen Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib, deputy foreign minister says

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2019 1:15 pm
by Momto2boys973
Yes, Israeli kids are taught very differently. And I know personally because I lived in Israel for 2 years, from 10-12 years old. Not a single lesson on hatred. In fact, I don’t even remember learning about any hatred between the groups until I was a teenager, back in Mexico and the Arab-Israeli conflict was taught. I was living in Israel during the 1982 war with Lebanon and I remember seeing it as a war between 2 countries, it was never portrayed on the news as anything related to personal hatred. In fact, the Falklands war was going on at about the same time, it sounded the same to me.
CockatooCrazyColt529 wrote: ↑Fri Aug 16, 2019 11:05 am
Momto2boys973 wrote: ↑Fri Aug 16, 2019 10:53 am So I guess that makes Israelis evil? Because I can show you plenty of anti-Semitic examples from American kids. Most of them Christian. In fact, the rise of antisemitismos in America has reached worrisome levels and wasn’t the synagogue shooter a Christian? Can I judge all Christians and Americans based on this one man?

And have you seen what Palestinian kids watch on TV?

And their textbooks:

And unlike antisemitism in America and that lone drunken kid, this is STATE APPROVED.

CockatooCrazyColt529 wrote: ↑Fri Aug 16, 2019 10:29 am How lovely.

I can't stand the Christian belief systems that annihilate Israel for Jesus' return. Or that bullshit about rebuilding the temple. I don't want to hurt Israelis.

Israeli children are taught what? Anything different? You think they aren't being taught to hate Arabs?

I'm half Syrian. I want our people to get along. We are cousins regardless of the crap propaganda spewed by both sides.

Re: Israel bars entry to outspoken U.S. Congresswomen Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib, deputy foreign minister says

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2019 1:22 pm
by Della
Momto2boys973 wrote: ↑Fri Aug 16, 2019 1:15 pm Yes, Israeli kids are taught very differently. And I know personally because I lived in Israel for 2 years, from 10-12 years old. Not a single lesson on hatred. In fact, I don’t even remember learning about any hatred between the groups until I was a teenager, back in Mexico and the Arab-Israeli conflict was taught. I was living in Israel during the 1982 war with Lebanon and I remember seeing it as a war between 2 countries, it was never portrayed on the news as anything related to personal hatred. In fact, the Falklands war was going on at about the same time, it sounded the same to me.
CockatooCrazyColt529 wrote: ↑Fri Aug 16, 2019 11:05 am
Momto2boys973 wrote: ↑Fri Aug 16, 2019 10:53 am So I guess that makes Israelis evil? Because I can show you plenty of anti-Semitic examples from American kids. Most of them Christian. In fact, the rise of antisemitismos in America has reached worrisome levels and wasn’t the synagogue shooter a Christian? Can I judge all Christians and Americans based on this one man?

And have you seen what Palestinian kids watch on TV?

And their textbooks:

And unlike antisemitism in America and that lone drunken kid, this is STATE APPROVED.


I can't stand the Christian belief systems that annihilate Israel for Jesus' return. Or that bullshit about rebuilding the temple. I don't want to hurt Israelis.

Israeli children are taught what? Anything different? You think they aren't being taught to hate Arabs?

I'm half Syrian. I want our people to get along. We are cousins regardless of the crap propaganda spewed by both sides.
Who taught that young fellow to hate? That's not the only case of hatred toward Christianity.

"This is my land. G-d gave it to me!"

Re: Israel bars entry to outspoken U.S. Congresswomen Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib, deputy foreign minister says

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2019 1:26 pm
by Momto2boys973
Just because they haven’t said so in all those words, that doesn’t mean that their words say that between the ones and their actions even more. Not everyone “tells it like it is” as Trump allegedly does.
You’re right, Tlaib was going to see her grandmother at the West Bank. Just today she was granted permission under humanitarian reasons to be a exception to the law about not admitting any BDS supporters in Israel. And what do you know? She threw a fit because one of the conditions was that she couldn’t go around Israel promoting BDS and she blatantly refused to go then because she was being “victimized”. I guess her desire to promote boycotts and discord against Israel are more important than seeing her granny 🤷‍♀️

And Israel isn’t America’s lapdog. Netanyahu didn’t ban them because Trump said so. It’s completely false that they were all for their visits until Trump said so. Maybe that’s what Trump wants us to think because it puts him as more powerful and influential than he really is. But fact is, Omar said she had no interest in visiting Israel not even a year ago. And suddenly after the whole “send her back” hoopla that made her a victim and a martyr is dying down she’s not the poor, innocent victim of evil Trump and even more evil Israel? BS. They planned this carefully. She probably never even wanted to visit granny, she used the excuse to be able to be a victim once again. I mean, she was granted permission! Under HUMANITARIAN reasons? Is it really too much to ask that if she’s a welcomed guest in a country that she doesn’t go around promoting harm and discord against that country? It’s it. So why is she throwing a tantrum saying that now she doesn’t want to go?
EarlGrayHot wrote: ↑Fri Aug 16, 2019 11:25 am Trump's claims that they "hate all Jews and Israelis" is one more of his fantasies. None of them has actually said that. Nor are most claims made here true. Tlaib was going to visit a relative. She did not claim any of the crap you accept that is just more Trump BS. Not to mention that enlisting the aid of a foreign government to disparage and effect an elected member of our Congress is illegal. And since when did Israel become Trump's lapdog? They were going to allow it until Trump pushed them to keep her out.

Re: Israel bars entry to outspoken U.S. Congresswomen Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib, deputy foreign minister says

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2019 1:27 pm
by Momto2boys973
Who teaches the WBC kids to hate? The American school system? Can I assume all schools in America are teaching their kids to “hate f**s” and “hate Jews” because a couple of kids go around saying that?
There will always be people who hate. In EVERY group. But you’re suggesting that this kid is being taught this hatred by the Israeli government or the society as a whole.
I showed you 2 videos that show that it IS the Palestinian government and te society as a whole the ones promoting the hatred.
This is what the Israeli government supports for the children:

CockatooCrazyColt529 wrote: ↑Fri Aug 16, 2019 1:22 pm
Momto2boys973 wrote: ↑Fri Aug 16, 2019 1:15 pm Yes, Israeli kids are taught very differently. And I know personally because I lived in Israel for 2 years, from 10-12 years old. Not a single lesson on hatred. In fact, I don’t even remember learning about any hatred between the groups until I was a teenager, back in Mexico and the Arab-Israeli conflict was taught. I was living in Israel during the 1982 war with Lebanon and I remember seeing it as a war between 2 countries, it was never portrayed on the news as anything related to personal hatred. In fact, the Falklands war was going on at about the same time, it sounded the same to me.
CockatooCrazyColt529 wrote: ↑Fri Aug 16, 2019 11:05 am


I can't stand the Christian belief systems that annihilate Israel for Jesus' return. Or that bullshit about rebuilding the temple. I don't want to hurt Israelis.

Israeli children are taught what? Anything different? You think they aren't being taught to hate Arabs?

I'm half Syrian. I want our people to get along. We are cousins regardless of the crap propaganda spewed by both sides.
Who taught that young fellow to hate? That's not the only case of hatred toward Christianity.

"This is my land. G-d gave it to me!"

Re: Israel bars entry to outspoken U.S. Congresswomen Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib, deputy foreign minister says

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2019 1:31 pm
by Della
Momto2boys973 wrote: ↑Fri Aug 16, 2019 1:15 pm Yes, Israeli kids are taught very differently. And I know personally because I lived in Israel for 2 years, from 10-12 years old. Not a single lesson on hatred. In fact, I don’t even remember learning about any hatred between the groups until I was a teenager, back in Mexico and the Arab-Israeli conflict was taught. I was living in Israel during the 1982 war with Lebanon and I remember seeing it as a war between 2 countries, it was never portrayed on the news as anything related to personal hatred. In fact, the Falklands war was going on at about the same time, it sounded the same to me.
CockatooCrazyColt529 wrote: ↑Fri Aug 16, 2019 11:05 am
Momto2boys973 wrote: ↑Fri Aug 16, 2019 10:53 am So I guess that makes Israelis evil? Because I can show you plenty of anti-Semitic examples from American kids. Most of them Christian. In fact, the rise of antisemitismos in America has reached worrisome levels and wasn’t the synagogue shooter a Christian? Can I judge all Christians and Americans based on this one man?

And have you seen what Palestinian kids watch on TV?

And their textbooks:

And unlike antisemitism in America and that lone drunken kid, this is STATE APPROVED.


I can't stand the Christian belief systems that annihilate Israel for Jesus' return. Or that bullshit about rebuilding the temple. I don't want to hurt Israelis.

Israeli children are taught what? Anything different? You think they aren't being taught to hate Arabs?

I'm half Syrian. I want our people to get along. We are cousins regardless of the crap propaganda spewed by both sides.
Those last two sources are a propagandist wet dream. MEMRI is a joke too.

Re: Israel bars entry to outspoken U.S. Congresswomen Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib, deputy foreign minister says

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2019 1:39 pm
by Della
Momto2boys973 wrote: ↑Fri Aug 16, 2019 1:27 pm Who teaches the WBC kids to hate? The American school system? Can I assume all schools in America are teaching their kids to “hate f**s” and “hate Jews” because a couple of kids go around saying that?
CockatooCrazyColt529 wrote: ↑Fri Aug 16, 2019 1:22 pm
Momto2boys973 wrote: ↑Fri Aug 16, 2019 1:15 pm Yqes, Israeli kids are taught very differently. And I know personally because I lived in Israel for 2 years, from 10-12 years old. Not a single lesson on hatred. In fact, I don’t even remember learning about any hatred between the groups until I was a teenager, back in Mexico and the Arab-Israeli conflict was taught. I was living in Israel during the 1982 war with Lebanon and I remember seeing it as a war between 2 countries, it was never portrayed on the news as anything related to personal hatred. In fact, the Falklands war was going on at about the same time, it sounded the same to me.

Who taught that young fellow to hate? That's not the only case of hatred toward Christianity.

"This is my land. G-d gave it to me!"
You will NEVER convince me that Israelis are innocent in this debacle. Israel doesn't want peace anymore than the foolish Arabs. ERETZ ISRAEL, remember?

The United States is so far up Israel's ass now, it could use our own nukes against the US if it doesn't get its way.

Re: Israel bars entry to outspoken U.S. Congresswomen Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib, deputy foreign minister says

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2019 1:48 pm
by Della

Learn the truth of how the British were manipulated into "giving" "Israel" "back". And I'm not talking about listening to holocaust deniers. The holocaust happened and that was absolutely unacceptable.

Re: Israel bars entry to outspoken U.S. Congresswomen Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib, deputy foreign minister says

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2019 3:31 pm
by hockeymom87
Tlaib was given permission to visit so she could see her grandmother who’s 90. They were going to allow her to visit as long as she didn’t promote any boycotts. She’s now refusing to go. Guess her grandmother isn’t that important too her

Re: Israel bars entry to outspoken U.S. Congresswomen Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib, deputy foreign minister says

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2019 3:35 pm
by Lemons
Isn't it similar to the United States where the extremist religious nuts are the ones that hate and live in the illegal settlements and the liberal Israeli's support an independent Palestine?

Momto2boys973 wrote: ↑Fri Aug 16, 2019 1:27 pm Who teaches the WBC kids to hate? The American school system? Can I assume all schools in America are teaching their kids to “hate f**s” and “hate Jews” because a couple of kids go around saying that?
There will always be people who hate. In EVERY group. But you’re suggesting that this kid is being taught this hatred by the Israeli government or the society as a whole.
I showed you 2 videos that show that it IS the Palestinian government and te society as a whole the ones promoting the hatred.
This is what the Israeli government supports for the children:

CockatooCrazyColt529 wrote: ↑Fri Aug 16, 2019 1:22 pm
Momto2boys973 wrote: ↑Fri Aug 16, 2019 1:15 pm Yes, Israeli kids are taught very differently. And I know personally because I lived in Israel for 2 years, from 10-12 years old. Not a single lesson on hatred. In fact, I don’t even remember learning about any hatred between the groups until I was a teenager, back in Mexico and the Arab-Israeli conflict was taught. I was living in Israel during the 1982 war with Lebanon and I remember seeing it as a war between 2 countries, it was never portrayed on the news as anything related to personal hatred. In fact, the Falklands war was going on at about the same time, it sounded the same to me.

Who taught that young fellow to hate? That's not the only case of hatred toward Christianity.

"This is my land. G-d gave it to me!"