Spring Break

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Princess Royal
Princess Royal
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If you have one, when is it and what are your plans?

DDs starts Friday and she doesn't go back until April 2nd.

We still haven't planned anything other than Easter.
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Princess Royal
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Last week. I was recovering from my surgery so I’m not entirely sure what I did let alone what my kid was doing. 😂

My husband took over.
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Ours is next week. My niece’s birthday party is Friday, and DH’s starts physical therapy Friday as well. He had surgery on his elbow last Friday, so other than physical therapy and a post-op appointment we don’t have anything else planned.
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We don't take spring break. I prefer to power through and have a longer summer!
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Princess Royal
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The oldest had her spring break last week since college spring breaks are usually in March. The youngest's starts next Friday for a week ( March 29th- April 6th). We're working...as usual.
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My kids are no longer in school so it wasn’t even on my radar! But in celebration of spring, I bought a whole bunch of pansies and started planning my garden.
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DD has spring break next week, 3/25 - 3/29.

No plans for us.
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Florida is putting up barriers to wild and rambunctious Spring Breakers. That's all I know, lol.

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My kids just had theirs last week, and just lounged around relaxing. My 10 year old hung out with her friend some. We are just not big vacationers.
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Their spring break is the first week of April plus Monday of the second week. We’re going to go camping/surfing for the 5th-8th, the rest of the days my husband and I will still be working so the little kids will go to daycare still and the big kids don’t really have rigid plans. They’ll just hang around with friends, sleep overs, the older three have some work plans, etc.
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