My kids won't be able to see their dad this summer

Anonymous 1

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School just pushed up the date so the kids are starting next week. They were supposed to go see their dad for a couple weeks at the end of summer like every other year. Now that isn't going to happen.

They pushed up the date to give extra time for everyone to adjust and because so much school was missed last year.

My ex is infuriated. He didn't even believe me at first even though I showed him the school website. He thinks that the kids should just do online school so they still can go see him. That isn't what they want or what is best for them. DS really struggled with online classes. They were even talking about making him repeat the year. He doesn't want to have to do that again and prefers to sit in a classroom with his teachers.

DD did okay with online classes but her mental health has really gone downhill during this pandemic. She needs to be around her peers and have we much normalcy as possible.

My ex talked about the school situation in depth multiple times and both agreed that the kids would benefit more from going to school.

I told him that we would just have to make up the time later and he still is not okay with it. I know he is upset about it and he has every right to be but it isn't anyone's fault.

The kids are bummed also but know this is for the best.
Anonymous 2

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And the problem is??? But don't worry-schools will shut down again the minute a person coughs so they will have plenty of time say in September and can spend a long period with him then.
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It sucks all around but it is what it is.

I have my suspicions that schools that go back this fall will see a rise in cases and when they close for Thanksgiving they won't have students back until after the first of the year. And they'll do online learning again in between Thanksgiving and Christmas. So if my prediction is correct, your kids can go see him during that time.
Anonymous 3

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So send them over Christmas or Spring break. No harm no foul. I’m surprised though as most schools are pushing back the start-interesting yours moved forward.
Anonymous 4

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This smells like the usual summer time kids can't see dad for x, y, z reasons with the Covid twist but I'll play. I can't imagine being worried about what school officials think is best. None of them are doctors. Most parents who want schools to open are only wanting that because God forbid they have to help with remote learning. I have never seen complaints like I did about school until the school work went fully online. Parents have been pulling out all the stops, "online school is too hard, I can't help, my kids need their peers for their mental health. Oh, and I have to work and I can't do that if school is out". Please. What do you think will happen when the virus runs through schools and they close again? Most aren't thinking of that yet.
Anonymous 1

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Anonymous 3 wrote: Mon Aug 03, 2020 5:21 pm So send them over Christmas or Spring break. No harm no foul. I’m surprised though as most schools are pushing back the start-interesting yours moved forward.
They already go those times. They also go for Thanksgiving. We will have to find another time or extend their time with him next summer.
Anonymous 1

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Anonymous 4 wrote: Mon Aug 03, 2020 5:54 pm This smells like the usual summer time kids can't see dad for x, y, z reasons with the Covid twist but I'll play. I can't imagine being worried about what school officials think is best. None of them are doctors. Most parents who want schools to open are only wanting that because God forbid they have to help with remote learning. I have never seen complaints like I did about school until the school work went fully online. Parents have been pulling out all the stops, "online school is too hard, I can't help, my kids need their peers for their mental health. Oh, and I have to work and I can't do that if school is out". Please. What do you think will happen when the virus runs through schools and they close again? Most aren't thinking of that yet.
I have no problem helping them. I helped DS a lot last year for hours a day. I can work just fine while they are home or at school. You are making assumptions.

If the school closes we will go back but we will cross that bridge when and if that happens.
Anonymous 1

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Traci_Momof2 wrote: Mon Aug 03, 2020 4:56 pm It sucks all around but it is what it is.

I have my suspicions that schools that go back this fall will see a rise in cases and when they close for Thanksgiving they won't have students back until after the first of the year. And they'll do online learning again in between Thanksgiving and Christmas. So if my prediction is correct, your kids can go see him during that time.
That could totally happen and if it does the kids will spend some extra time with their dad.
Anonymous 5

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These posts seriously get so F***ing old. No one cares about drama with your ex and visitation.
Anonymous 6

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Anonymous 4 wrote: Mon Aug 03, 2020 5:54 pm This smells like the usual summer time kids can't see dad for x, y, z reasons with the Covid twist but I'll play. I can't imagine being worried about what school officials think is best. None of them are doctors. Most parents who want schools to open are only wanting that because God forbid they have to help with remote learning. I have never seen complaints like I did about school until the school work went fully online. Parents have been pulling out all the stops, "online school is too hard, I can't help, my kids need their peers for their mental health. Oh, and I have to work and I can't do that if school is out". Please. What do you think will happen when the virus runs through schools and they close again? Most aren't thinking of that yet.
And the concerns about online learning, working, and the children's mental health are completely valid ones. Yds has been snappy, anxious and sarcastic lately. He finally started eating better but for a while he didn't. He's not been able to see his counselor since March. She can see him in person finally. I've no dog in this myself but I can well understand the desperation some parents feel. Online schooling doesn't always run smoothly. Some parents are essential workers and everyone suffers. And we all worry about covid-19. As far as the op the father could take time off perhaps and come to see his kids. I find it hard to believe school was pushed up. Ours was pushed back to have time to prepare.
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